Des Meagher: a changed life
The morning started with a txt message from my sister: "Not a good day.  Be prepared.  Extremely low and non responsive".

The speech pathologist made a visit and expressed the extent of dads damage.  She empathetically but honestly advised that dad was still an extreme case with what he is able to interpret, understand and relay back through language.  His physical signs of muscular movement for eating/drinking are restricted but show signs of improvement.  She did try him on 2 spoonfills of water though which resulted in a very scary episode of dad choking due to liquid going down his windpipe. Not fun viewing....  That means Diet Coke too Jo and Mum!!!  He has begged mum for something more than apple juice syrup and clearly got frustrated when she - or one of girls - has cracked open a DC (Diet Coke) in his presence.  He was in heaven when mum weakened and smuggled a sip of coke!

Prior to her visit I witnessed Joanna talking to dad about his visit to St. Joseph's Primary School on Tuesday.  Dad clearly said words like "Wonthaggi".  When Jo spoke of the principal, he shook his head and said, "no the lady".  These weren't random words or conversation.  We were ecstatic to have that moment......

I contacted St. Dominic's to request visit from priest (as hospital stated they no longer do for Catholic patients).  Turns out, that not entirely the case, as a lovely Irish priest visited (local to area and comes almost daily). 
Txt Msg: "Thanks for organising GG.  He a classic character, we cannot understand him let alone dad, but has lifted spirits nonetheless".

High Hospital Moment:
Mum tried dad with some music I brought in today.  Txt from Jo: " Mum has put The Eagles in his ear.  Absolute classic he is trying to sing out loud and is tapping to the beat.  Happiest he has been all day.  Mum dancing next to him and Jo massaging."
Apparently Demon dropped the "F" Bomb today too, when mum put bed down a little too quickly.  Good to see real signs of personality return!
Claire Clifford 'Farty'
6/3/2011 07:47:56 pm

Wouldn't be the first time Dessy has dropped the 'F' bomb after many years of watching us play tennis! Slice backhand coming your way Des! Wish I was there and sending all our prayers, hope and love to you all...a true fighter who I know won't give up x

7/3/2011 04:40:46 pm

Dear Nan & the Girls,if anyone can " pull Des through" you lot will,your great humor and strenght will help Des"GET UP"(to quote"Kanga")laughter is the best medicine, it will be a rocky road for a while but we are sure you will get there. We will keep in touch.Lots of Love, Thanks for the
Blog Liberty & Barb


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